
PositiveSSL DV wildcard SSL certificate

Speed ​​and reliability are two adjectives that need to be considered when describing this certificate. This is because this wildcard SSL certificate is a basic Domain Verification (DV) certificate, which can be issued within a few minutes. In addition, with 99.3% browser recognition and mobile compatibility, Comodo Positive SSL wildcard certificate can be used by most light e-commerce websites.

Security level: Certificate type: DV SSL certificate
Issuing speed: in a few minutes Insured amount: $10,000
Purchase for 1 year Two years of purchase


Product brand
Verification method Domain Verification DV
Certification materials No need to submit any materials, just verify the domain name ownership
Issuing speed in a few minutes
Number of protected domain names Protect all domain names at the next level
Protect lower-level subdomains Support
Reissue Unlimited reissues
Certificate encryption strength SHA256
Certificate algorithm support RSA 2048/3072/4096 & ECC
Mobile support Support 99.3% mobile devices
Browser support 99.9% browser recognition rate
Safety Guarantee $10,000
Website signature